Sunday, August 28, 2016

17 weeks + bumpdate

 13 weeks vs 17 weeks
The tiniest little bump appears!

Mom warned me that I might not show as quickly as most ladies, as she didn't really show til she was 5 months. Compared to other moms, even others with tiny frames, I look like their week 14! 

How do you feel? What to Expect warns of congestion that may start in the second trimester, and I've heard of moms complaining of this all the way to baby's birth! Last week I was convinced my congestion was here to stay. Thankfully, after a week of stuffy nose, sneezing, sinus pressure, and coughing, it all went away. Just a head cold thank goodness!

Other than that, I feel pretty good. Still taking daily (long) naps and I've been getting lightheaded if I stand too quickly. I have noticed a few "crazy moments" as well where I will cry about things that really aren't a big deal. For instance, nearly coming to tears in the doctor's office when Mathias didn't say thank you for printing something out for him. Or the time I cried and we had a 45 minute fight that started because he wanted to throw my helmet away (mind you, I don't even have a bike), and ended because I didn't want the wooden drying rack moved from the garage into the house where people could see it. Because "it's an eye sore!" duh.

Baby's size? Turnip!

Maternity clothes: I am still holding on to a few of my low rise jeans and keeping shorts unbottoned and held together with a rubber band. I've been wearing more skirts, dresses, and pants with stretch to work...but as soon as I get home, it's bra off and elastic waist shorts on!

Food cravings: Still not having any strange cravings. I've never craved sweets..and still don't. And I have always loved meat, chicken, and seafood. And still do. 

Moment of the week: I wish I could say feeling the baby kick! *sigh* Maybe next week...
I was also hoping to have a clearer US picture by now but I think we would've only gotten one had we had the fetal abnormalities test done, but we elected not to do that so now we're waiting on my NEXT appointment in 2 weeks when they do the anatomy scan. It'll be nice to have a photo on the fridge of something other than a 7 week blob, and one that resembles something more like a baby!

Baby H has already started receiving some gifts and hand me downs! A friend of the family gave us a box of newborn diapers which was much appreciated. We do plan on cloth diapering, but not in the very beginning while we get used to baby's schedule, and adjusting as parents in general. A coworker of mine (who also let me use her doppler) gifted me with a Rock n' Play (which was already on our Amazon registry!), a tub, bouncer, and a ton of books. She also gave us a doorway jumper which we were especially excited about! It'll be a little while before our jumping bean can use it but I can't wait to be entertained :-D

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Wordless Wednesday

When I smell food at the office

Right at 2pm everyday

Me in every meeting trying to be non-reactive

How it feels always being the sober one

After pretty much every meal

but then

Sunday, August 14, 2016

15 weeks - Gender reveal

Sorry to burst your bubble, but we're keepin this one a secret!

Because we don't care more for a boy or a girl...we just want a healthy baby! We decided long ago that when we had kids of our own, we would not want to know the gender until the baby was born. There are so few surprises anymore! Girls are picking out their engagement rings! Wouldn't it be awesome for the baby's father to be the first one to proudly announce, "It's a boy!" (...or girl!)

"But how do you know what to buy?" Honestly, I don't think Baby H will care if he (or she) is dressed in "girl colors." The baby's room is blue. Because I like that color. Plus, if Baby #2 is the opposite sex, we won't have to buy all new gender specific newborn things.

"But I couldn't stand not knowing!" Yes. Yes, you could. And not knowing has allowed us to focus on just being pregnant and live more presently. We go back and forth calling the baby he or she, I sometimes feel like it's more likely a he, but it's been fun keeping the mystery :-) 

I still haven't had "morning sickness" exactly, and the days of all-day nausea are long gone. I haven't had a major face break out just your typical hormonal pimple that pops up around the jaw line/neck. I never craved sweet things. I still don't. But I never craved salty things either...what I DO love is things containing meat and seafood. And that's nothing new! As far as heartbeat goes...the doppler readings (both mine and at my doctor's office) are not very accurate and I've read heart rate can fluctuate between 120-160 typically, and if anything, at delivery a girl's heart rate might be higher. For prediction's sake, it's been reading <140. I sleep on my left side because during prenatal yoga teacher training, we were taught to bring students out of Savasana by rolling onto the left (as opposed to the right where a non-pregnant student would roll to come out) because of a major artery that can cut off circulation to mommy and baby if you hang out on your right side too long. 

Ring test, Chinese calendar, and Mayans all point to Girl. However neither Mathias or I are really "feeling" like it's one way or the other. We "feel" like we have a healthy baby. And this is as far as feelings go! 

Little he or mini me? We just have to wait and see!

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Wordless Wednesday

Sending my friends the BFP picture

How I feel when patients try hit me with an urgent problem at 5am

Once I've hit my hangry stage and can't decide what I want

Current mood

When someone asks why I'm being emotional but I know it's pregnancy hormones

Sunday, August 7, 2016

May I have your attention please...

I was going to wait until my appointment on Friday to say something...but, well, I just can't.

Mathias and I are expecting Baby Hickman early February!! 

At the time of our official Facebook announcement, I had only told family and a few close friends. Mathias on the other hand, would tell strangers at the Farmers Market if he saw them with a sling or a stroller he liked! Have to admit, it was adorable. But now the cat's outta the bag and I'm officially out of the First Trimester woods. 

So the burning question has been...
How do you feel? I honestly have never felt more exhausted. It's tough work growing a fetus! I already wake up before 4am for work everyday so all of the warnings to "Enjoy your sleep now before the baby comes" falls on dead ears. My already daily naps after work have just been extended from 30 minutes to 3 hours. 

Other than extreme exhaustion, I have felt pretty good! I had a few days of all-day nausea, but no morning sickness exactly. And I never did throw up, a small victory I suppose!

Baby's size? Baby is the size of a peach!

Maternity clothes? Not yet. I have only gained about 2lb so far and most of my clothes still fit the same. I have added a rubberband to one pair of work pants though! I did try on my first pair of maternity pants...and I have to say, they were so unflattering and terrible. Terribly comfy! And I can't fit into a few of my bras or bikini tops anymore. VERY exciting!

Food cravings? I haven't had any strange cravings so much as food aversions. I used to love chicken salad each week at work. Now, I'm totally turned off by the idea. I was also eating alot of yogurt while trying to conceive and in those first 8 weeks. But now, it just sounds unappetizing. Most of all? I really miss sushi. Like REALLY miss sushi. I knew I would be deprived of my favorite food during pregnancy, so I really took advantage and ate so much in the months we were trying. Which, Mathias warned I probably shouldn't be doing anyways, but it was clearly fine!

Moment of the week: A coworker let me borrow her fetal heartbeat doppler. Y'all...the best sound in the world has been hearing our baby's heartbeat! Baby H is a swimmer and will allow us a few seconds of listening time before taking off. Never sits still for long. Sounds like daddy and me! 

We waited until our 7 week appointment to announce to our parents. This is not my parents' first grandchild, but it is Mathias's. They are so excited! Mathias's mom is convinced it's a girl because she had 3 boys and never got to spoil any baby girls...she's hoping this is her chance! Father's day had just passed before our appointment so I made up some excuse about forgetting dad's Father's Day card at my house and that I'd bring it to him later in the week. I made a copy of the US photo and stuck it in a card that read "Papa" and let the card speak for itself. Cue the waterworks. Mom and dad are thrilled!

Mathias has been rubbing this amazing body butter we picked up at the market on my tummy each night. It smells so good and will hopefully keep any future stretch marks at bay. It's been such a great experience waking up each Sunday with him and reading "What's baby doing this week?" From building organs, having an audible heartbeat, to growing a nose and...FINGERNAILS?! It's all pretty mindblowing how amazing our bodies are.