Monday, September 3, 2018

The Birth Story

Just to recap: Pregnancy announcement / 16 weeks / 20 weeks / 24 weeks / 29 weeks / 32 weeks / 36 weeks / 39 weeks / What I packed in my hospital bag

As soon as we decided to try for baby #2, the first gender specific purchase I made was a blue Templeton Silver paci clip. I already had a pink one for Grace and I just knew that this baby was going to be a boy.

40 wks 2017 vs 40 wks 2018

Throughout my pregnancy, I constantly pointed out the stark differences. With Grace, I had to have ice cream every night. This time, my cravings were all over the place. I also gained less weight but my belly appeared much bigger. I was less emotional, less forgetful, my skin and hair completely changed from oily to very dry, I had less heartburn, and I carried differently. Initial feeling after that first ultrasound was pointing towards boy. Given a due date of Thursday, August 23rd, I just always had a feeling that this baby would be early. Not by much, but a little early. Like, Tuesday.

Even nature was on my side with predictions. 3 weeks before due date, I was already 1cm dilated. Something I wasn't with Grace until labor actually started. Then 2 weeks before due date, I was 50% effaced! We had Grace take a couple photos with a pink hydrangea in case it was a girl, and a blue one in case it was a boy as our birth announcement. She didn't smile (I'd even call it a frown) in a single pink hydrangea picture. Well, it has to be a boy then!

A few friends and family had dreams it was a boy. One so specific that it was not only a boy, but coming at night. I also had the same exact dream. I don't know if it was out of persuasion, hope, or genuine feeling, but even Mathias was sure we were having a boy. With nature and my husband on "my side," I went into nesting phase with the decision not to wash any of the girl specific clothes. You won't need those, I validated.

The week before my due date, I tied up all my loose ends at work, fully expecting Friday to be my last day. Contractions will start on a Monday and I'm having this baby Tuesday. It will be at night. And it will be a boy.

It's so funny how sure I was that day and how over the next week, I would completely give up on any premonitions I had. It's like that old Real World slogan, "You think you know...but you have no idea!"

Monday came and went, then Tuesday came. Every question of, "When are you having this baby?!" was answered with a sullen, "I don't know." What was SUPPOSED to be my last OB appointment, I walked into the office and surprised everybody just by being there. We decided then, that if the baby did not arrive on his or her own by due date, we would have one last Ultrasound on Monday to check fluids and make sure baby hadn't grown TOO big (at 40+4) and induce on Wednesday (at 40+6). Schedule it, but I won't be there. This baby is definitely coming before then. It might not be Tuesday, but it will be at night. And it will be a boy.

Well, Wednesday and Thursday came and went and the 2 week eviction notice went...unnoticed. I was officially overdue. Friday...Saturday...Sunday still no baby and still answering more questions with "I don't know." I had officially reached boiling point. I walked into work Monday feeling so defeated. Not mad to be overdue (I get it, babies come when they want to come), but upset because my "motherly intuition" appeared to be nonexistent and in a perpetual state of "I don't know." Surprising the staff at my OB appointment (again), I came out with an updated photo of our (fat and much heavier than Grace) baby. I'd finally accepted that this baby was completely content staying put. This baby wasn't coming early. And probably wasn't coming on a Tuesday. This baby was staying put til induction. Which was scheduled for 7:30AM.

A fellow overdue mom shared her experience with a scheduled induction, in that she showed up at the hospital and they had to turn her away! Several unexpected patients came in already in active labor the night before, and there were no beds available for her. OMG! Could that happen to me?? Sure enough, the hospital called me an hour before induction and told me there was no room at the inn. Are you serious??

I almost started crying but was too mad. We all know the feeling, the scary kind of anger that presents as cool and collected where all you can do is start nodding and agreeing with everything. Luckily, 45 min. later, they called back and said a pt was discharged and a bed had opened up for me! (I later found out of all the scheduled inductions, I was the only one who got to come in that day.)

At 9AM, the doctor broke my water. For the next 6 hours, I was given Pitocin and my contractions were very slow to progress. They were frequent enough but nowhere near painful. I'd had charlie horses more painful than these. Around 4PM, I was warned the anesthesiologist had 2 surgeries to head to and if I wanted an epidural, now would be the most ideal time to get one. Remembering my blinding contractions with Grace, I thought there's no way I want to experience that again and NOT have an anesthesiologist within an arm's reach. On the other hand, my pain level was only at a 2, sometimes 4. Better safe than sorry though...bring on the epidural! It was more painful than I remember. Probably because my pain was already at a 10 when I got it last time and it was more of a sweet release!

Again, for the next 6 hours, my contractions were slow to progress. I had only dilated to 6cm after 12 hours of labor. And was not a "soft" 6 at that. By now, the baby's heart rate was doing crazy things. They stopped my Pitocin and an Oxygen mask was put over my face. That must've looked so scary for Mathias! My doctor watched me closely over the next 2 hours before warning me that if baby's heart rate continued to look this concerning (and by this point, I was still only 7cm dilated), we would have to start considering a C-section. Something none of us wanted to happen.

Nothing about the pregnancy and labor had progressed as expected. What was one more thing? Although disappointed with my body, I just wanted baby to arrive safely, by any means necessary. But I also wanted to be able to pick up my toddler and hold her when I got home without the fear of ripping stitches.

The baby must've heard this internal struggle because in the literal 11th hour, baby's heart rate regulated and I dilated to that ideal "soft" 10 making it safe to finally push! After about 30 min of pushing, Mathias leaned over me and announced (after getting over his own initial shock), "It's a girl!" A girl??

So after all that, it made sense! As a parent, just when you think you've got it all figured out, you realize you don't! At 11:56pm, our Edith McPherson joined our little family of 3! McPherson, because it's my father's, grandfather's, great grandfather's, AND great great grandfather's middle name! Edith, because we just like it :-)

This baby has surprised me in every way possible! And has just been a reminder to humble myself, stop acting like I've got it all figured out, and embrace more of the "I don't know!"

Thursday, August 23, 2018

What I packed in my hospital bag

Today is my due date. I honestly didn't think I'd make it to this day, but here I am! And I feel no closer to delivery than I did on Monday. I think back to last year when I was seeing posts from a friend who also thought she'd go early but had reached her due date. She was complaining the night before that the baby wasn't here yet and how "over it" she was. I remember could still have several days! Why are you already complaining? You're not even "late" yet.

But I totally get it now. It feels like AA Step 1 where you admit you're powerless.

So with the extra time, a friend suggested I share what I packed in my hospital bag since I have several other pregnant friends right now!

For baby:

What to bring
- Going home outfit. I brought a newborn outfit for Grace and it was HUGE on her. So this time I'm bringing the same outfit we brought Grace home in (since doc say this baby is for sure bigger) + a preemie size onesie just in case
- Pretty swaddle and a cute hat if you don't want to use the hospital issued ones.
- Baby book if you want to get the baby's footprints stamped in it
- Blanket/car seat cover just in case it's cold or raining
- Socks and mittens

What not to bring
- Diapers and wipes. The hospital will provide these. Bring home alllll of them!
- Baby wash. Some parents choose to wait til they're home so they can give baby his or her first bath. I thought I wanted to do this too, but you may be more exhausted than you expect and the nurses at the hospital will do this for you. But if you have your own special wash that's not Johnson & Johnson, I'd bring it
- Pacifier. Again, hospital will provide, but we chose not to give a paci until Grace was a few weeks old. Nipple confusion and whatnot. It was even written in the birth plan not to give her a paci til she'd latched. 

For myself:

What to bring
- Insurance card and ID: Have it easily accessible so you're not fumbling for it or someone else has to retrieve it for you. It's probably going to be the first thing they ask for when you arrive at the hospital.
- Birth plan: Make sure your doctor, anyone who will be present at birth, and all nurses read it so everyone's on the same page.
- Car seat
- Stress ball/aromatherapy rollerballs....anything that will make you feel comfortable and alleviate stress while in labor. I'll say more about this in a minute!
- Pretty robe: It feels so nice to put on something that makes you feel a little more human than the hospital gown once baby is here!
- Nursing bra
- Nipple cream: This one is my favorite! You don't have to wipe it off before baby nurses
- Basic toiletries: Travel size shampoo & conditioner, body wash, face wash or face wipes you can use in bed, Chapstick, lotion, deodorant, toothbrush & toothpaste, contact case & solution
- Towel and wash cloth: The hospital has these but they are smaller than a hotel towel and rougher than sandpaper!
- Mints or gum
- Phone charger
- Bluetooth speaker: I didn't make a playlist, but I put on my favorite Pandora station, "Hipster Cocktail party." It's got a good mix of old and new and even some of the nurses asked me for the station before I left the hospital!
- Fuzzy socks or bedroom slippers
- Cheap flip flops for the shower
- Loose yoga/lounge pants to wear home: Or, if you're having a c-section, a loose dress
- Button up shirt or loose nursing shirt to wear home
- Boppy or nursing pillow: I actually used mine during labor to turn around and stick my face in hahaha
- Hair ties & hair brush

What not to bring
- Underwear. Unless you really want to. The hospital will provide the mesh ones with pads (bring allll of them home, more than you think you'll need) but if you want a nice alternative, these Depends are amazing and will help you feel a little more human.
- Oil diffuser. As mentioned above, aromatherapy is a great thing to have to alleviate stress, headaches, nausea, etc. Rollerballs or small personal inhalers are a good option, or these lavender infused stress balls. They smell amazing and gives you something to focus on.
Funny story: On Day 1 of 3 days of labor, my friend CJ came over to the house and gave me this little stress ball infused with lavender. It was a gift someone had given to him, and he thought it might help me. And boy did it! I don't think it left my hands til Grace arrived. It even stayed in my purse (not on purpose, that's just how long I hoard things) until I was getting ready to pack my hospital bag again. I fully believe it got me through labor and I've carried it with me every day of Grace's life. So naturally, it has sentimental value. I left it where Grace couldn't reach it to remind myself to put it in my "bug out bag" but it wasn't quite out of reach of our friend's 3 yr old who lives down the street. She came over for a playdate and when I came home, my stress ball was gone! I knew the little girl must've found it so I searched and searched for it, eventually assuming she had taken it home with her. When I told Mathias what happened, he said he'd given her a little red ball last time she came over and he told her she could take it with her. OK, that explains it. She must've assumed since she was given that ball she could take the stress ball too. Don't panic, she's 3, she'll remember where she put it.
Not. If anyone has ever lost a thing in the house, a toddler is the last person you want to include in your search party. I called her dad and asked him to take a peak around their house to see if she'd brought it home. He said it wasn't there and she told him she didn't take it.
At this point, this 3 yr old innocent angel is a thief and a liar. I go into a rage-induced search. It's not here. She has it. I know she has it. And she's gonna tell me where she put it.  
"Ask her where she last saw it at my house."
Too much to ask of a toddler? Probably, but I'm desperate. I can't possibly deliver a baby without it.
"She says it's in the ball pit."
OK. I hop online and order these in case I never find it again because I have searched the ball pit. It's not there. But, I haven't searched inside the balls in the ball pit. Some of the balls snap together. And maybe the stress ball is small enough it can fit inside one that snaps....

So for my pregnant friends reading this, you're in luck. I now have 3 extra lavender stress balls to help you in labor!!

What I'm not bringing but you might want to
- Hairdryer: I let my hair air dry and haven't used a dryer in maybe 2 years, so I've left this out but you may want to bring one
- Makeup: There will be pictures and who wants to look like they just gave birth to a baby?! 
- Magazines or a book: Between labor and having a new baby to stare at, I wouldn't have found time for reading material, but it might help some in labor!
- Underwear: As stated above, the hospital will provide the mesh ones with pads (bring allll of them home, more than you think you'll need) but if you want a nice alternative, these Depends are amazing and will help you feel a little more human.
- Nursing pads: My milk didn't come in for a few days, so I personally didn't need these at the hospital
- Belly band or this one: These help the postpartum body get back to normal 

For Mathias:

Mathias made his own little "bug out bag" so here's what he brought:
- Snacks: The hospital will feed mom, but they won't feed dad!
- Advil & Tums: The hospital has these for patients only unless you want to purchase them at the gift shop!
- Pillow: The hospital has plenty, but it's nice to have your own
- Clothes/socks/flip flops
- A copy of the birth plan
- Basic toiletries: Deodorant, toothbrush & toothpaste, contact case & solution
- Phone charger
- Nice camera if you don't want to use a phone

Friday, August 17, 2018

39 weeks - last post before baby's arrival!

Preparing for baby's arrival: I served this kid with an eviction notice one week ago, informing him or her to vacate the premises within 14 days. Grace listened! Wondering if this baby will follow suit. My gut tells me I won't be at work next week, so I'm trying to wrap up everything now. All along, I thought baby would arrive on Tuesday - 2 days before due date - so we shall see! The newborn clothes are washed and hung, infant necessities have been taken out of the attic, and I played with my new pump and figured out how to use it (which subsequently gave me a nightmare that it suctioned so hard off center that it made a third nipple!!) I have at least halfway packed my hospital bag, but still need to install the car seat. I will this weekend! See...nothing like a few minor contractions to get you motivated to pack a bag lol

How do you feel? Swollen. My feet look like sausages at the end of the day, I've been 1cm dilated for 3 weeks, and I am 50% effaced! Which is more than with Grace! At 39+5, I was not dilated at all and none percent effaced. 

Baby's size: I honestly have no clue. We had one, and only one, ultrasound this entire pregnancy, and that was back around week 19. I haven't fallen off the growth charts like I did with Grace, so I'm going to assume that means this kid is bigger. Grace was 6lb 7oz, but I'm still guessing baby #2 will be under 7lb.

Total weight gain: 30lb. Exactly the same amount of weight I gained with Grace! Hopefully I can snap back as quickly too!

To strip or not to strip? We're not talking about the sexy kind of stripping here. This week, I had the option to have my membrane's stripped. After debating on it for a week, I decided against it. From my research, I found that it only works 50% of the time, and couldn't find a positive correlation to it working better with second pregnancies or if there was already some dilation happening. I also found that of those 50% that it "worked," I couldn't definitively say it was solely because of the procedure, but that some of these women were just ready to go or it still sometimes took 3-4 (sometimes a week) more days to go into labor. So odds are looking more like 1 in 8. Plus I heard it's a rather painful procedure. And I felt best not to rush things along...Grace wasn't exactly late and I honestly don't think this baby is going to be overdue. So I told my doc she could strip my membranes next Tuesday if nothing happens on its own by then. And, not that I think it will be necessary at all, we'll induce on the 29th if I don't go into labor before then. (I better go into labor before then!!)

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

36 week update

It's hard to imagine that we are just 4 weeks away from having 2 under 2! We spent last week at Transformus (which is where we announced we were expecting Grace) and I'm pretty sure I was the only pregnant person there this time! So many people commented on my "bravery" for roughin' it in the woods a month away from due date, or for staying up late walking around with everyone...but honestly, this was my 3rd burn and I've been pregnant at each one of them. So I don't know another way! It was such a great experience and I'm glad I don't miss out on things like this.

What's new? Braxton Hicks contractions have begun, I think. My check-up this week also found I'm 1cm dilated! I'm not getting too excited about this just yet because people can walk around 1cm dilated for several weeks before baby's arrival. BUT I can say in my experience, I was none percent dilated until the day I started having contractions. And even after an entire day of consistent contractions, I was still only 2cm. So I am still thinking this baby will come just a little early and so far my mother instincts have been correct about everything.

Baby's size: A honeydew melon. A giant one.

Total weight gain: 18lb - which is crazy cus I feel heavier and like this baby bump is bigger, but technically, I'm the same exact weight I was at 36 weeks with Grace. I have just a little swelling in my feet and legs, and it's definitely getting more uncomfortable to move around and I get out of breath so quickly!

How do you feel? A little behind! By this time with Grace, I had the infant car seat installed, the nursery organized, everything was washed, my bag was packed, and my birth plan was printed lol. It makes me roll my eyes now at how prepared I was, but it also makes me start to feel the anxiety of nesting. We JUST got the counters we ordered over 3 weeks ago, so no, our kitchen isn't done yet. We still have to put the new cabinets on the sink side in, install the counters, and lay down the tile (which I actually think will take longer than we think it will)! Then our washer and dryer can come back in the house, the fridge can go back in the kitchen, we'll have a dishwasher and hot water again, and my living room and tv room can go back to normal. Only then will I truly feel like I can nest. There's literally no room (or appliances) for me to bring anything down from the attic to wash! I need to do allll the things still but I'm feeling so's a tough spot to be in.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

32 week update

8 more weeks y'all! According to the "pregnancy checklist" I should be getting my hospital bag (or as I refer to as my bug-out bag) ready. I don't think I overpacked last time, and most of the things I'll pack are things I use daily, so I'm not too worried if this doesn't get done for another month or more. I do need to pull the newborn clothes out of the attic and wash everything though! But of course, without a washer and dryer (Yes, we're still renovating the kitchen and laundry room. No, we didn't meet my guesstimated completion date and may still be another 2-3 weeks away from that!), that could prove a little difficult.

New this week: I finally felt hiccups last Friday! I wasn't sure it was even hiccups at first because they were so fast, but then they slowed to that familiar rhythmic thump. I felt them much sooner and more often (we're talking every day) with Grace, but maybe they'll be more frequent now. Or maybe not! Just another thing to add to the list of how different this pregnancy has been.

We also celebrated our first anniversary! 6/18/2017 we got married in the tiniest ceremony in our backyard. We planned it 5 days in advance and I would not have changed a thing! So last Monday to celebrate, we went to Hall's Chophouse downtown. I'm a little embarrassed to say I'd never eaten there before ($$), but years ago when I was compiling a collection of recipes donated by local chefs (of some of Charleston's best restaurants.....I still have a copy if anyone's interested!), the family owned restaurant was very nice and I met privately with one of the chefs to get a recipe. Anyways, dinner was amazing and way too expensive but totally worth celebrating the occasion! 

Baby's size: A 4lb head of lettuce. Starting next week, baby will start gaining about  0.5lb/week!

Total weight gain: 14lb. Although I haven't gained as much weight, I started out heavier so technically I'm right about the same. But...I just feel bigger. I look bigger, I'm more uncomfortable, and my skin feels like it's being stretched to the max. I'm religious about putting belly cream on each night because I feel if I don't, stretch marks may be inevitable if I still have 2 more months to grow! At this point, I can't see how much bigger I could possibly get. Ugh. And this heat!!

Baby purchases: Since we have so many gender neutral things, we really don't need anything new. The only thing we need is a double stroller (a necessity in my opinion...Mathias is yet to be convinced)! I did countless hours of research on double strollers, creating a pros and cons list and narrowing down my top 4 picks. I now consider myself an expert on the matter and could literally help anyone find a double stroller now based on their needs. Where will you be using it most and how often? Are you able to deadlift more than 30lb? How important is ease of fold to you? How many children do you have..and how far apart in age? Is there a big height difference between people who will be pushing it? And probably most important, what's your budget?

Before I did any major research, I was leaning towards the Joovy Caboose. It seemed to fit all our needs- it's relatively cheap and comes with a universal car seat adapter, has a second seat that you could remove to reveal a bench seat with an option to stand, and it's pretty lightweight considering it holds 2 kids. But the more reviews I read, the more I considered where we'd be using it (mostly grass and gravel and rarely indoors), the seats don't recline to a point kids could comfortably nap, and the push is generally not all that great (although this was coming from those who are used to using top of the line strollers). After going back and forth on getting a side by side vs a tandem and getting opinions after a 20 minute long presentation with my top 4 picks to any family member who would listen, we ended up going with the Peg Perego Book for Two! It was the narrowest of the side by sides (only a few inches wider than my single, and narrow enough to fit through doors and down the hallway), has a standing fold, opens/collapses so easy, lays flat for naps, has a great sun shade and gigantic basket, great wheels for any terrain I personally would take it through, and an adjustable handlebar. It's not all that light or compact (but also not the heaviest or bulkiest choice double stroller) can't win em all...and the push is so smooth that it doesn't feel heavy at all once it's on the ground. Bonus: I found an open box deal and got it $250 off the original price...sold! 

Saturday, June 9, 2018

29 week update - Well hello, 3rd trimester!

I can't believe we're in the final stretch! 2 down, 1 to go. Guess it's time to dig out the newborn items and wash everything! Might be hard without a washer, dryer, or counters....

Two weeks ago, we decided to re-do the kitchen/laundry room floors. Kind of the opposite of nesting. We pulled up the linoleum only to discover 3 more layers of linoleum since the house was built in the mid-80's. This revealed some major wood rot and, unexpectedly, some cabinet rot. So what was, "We'll just replace the floor with new tile," has turned into, "We have to tear up the entire floor in 70% of the kitchen and laundry room, tear out the damaged insulation, shore up the joists, make repairs to the plumbing, replace the insulation and subfloors, install a cement backer for the tile, replace all the lower cabinets....and that also means replacing the countertops, theennnn we can lay the new tile."

So yea, I haven't had a kitchen or laundry room in 3 weeks and we're looking at maybe another 2 until it's completely finished. But it is going to look AMAZING (it better, anyways)!

New this week: I had my gestational diabetes test and they said no news is good news. So since I haven't heard anything back, I'm assuming I passed!

We also had our maternity/family photos taken at the beach with the same photographer that did our maternity session last time! 

Now that we've reached the 3rd trimester, my doctor visits go from monthly to every 2 weeks. That is so crazy to me that we're already here.

Baby's size: a 3lb cabbage

Total weight gain: 11lb

Symptoms & Cravings: I wish I could say feeling hiccups! I'd felt them by 27 weeks with Grace, but this pregnancy has been different in alot of ways. Being uncomfortable much earlier (this baby just loves to stretch out and push my skin to the limits), my linea nigra showing up much later (and still way lighter), no cravings but just being all over the place with what I want to eat, and having an "outie" now! My skin and hair have changed too. I have always had very oily skin but it's been perfectly neutral for the last several months, and I used to have to wash my hair every 2-3 days or I looked like a grease ball. Now I can go 4, probably 5 days without washing it!

How do you feel? Round. And heavy! This baby is heavier, another reason I think he or she will be a little early. My back is getting to be an issue too and I no longer have a choice but to sleep on my side. For Mother's Day, Mathias got me a float session in the sensory deprivation tank at Glow Spa. I've wanted to go for so long, so I'm super excited to go this weekend!

Moment of the week: I figured out how we'll do the gender/name reveal! With Grace, I just made  a simple white image with her name on it, and pink feet stamped next to it. Then I made this image my profile picture on Facebook so everyone could see we'd had a GIRL! This time, we had our photographer take a picture of Grace holding blue hydrangeas, and another picture holding pink hydrangeas. Whatever the baby is, boy or girl, that photo will be posted!

Thursday, May 3, 2018

24 week update - "I'm what?!"

If it weren't for my pregnancy app, I would not remember how far along I am! With Grace, I could tell you in a second, "I'm 22 weeks and 3 days! And baby is the size of a..."

Today when writing this post, I literally had to look it up because I hadn't opened the app in maybe 2 weeks and had lost track. Not that I remembered 2 weeks ago either...hence the reason I opened it then. I'm terrible.

Baby's size: A 1.5lb ear of corn

Movement: I'm feeling alot more movement over the last 4 weeks :-) Sometimes it feels like baby is throwing all of its weight at once and I get a little motion sickness. Other times, baby stretches out sooo long that a foot feels like it's going to stretch my skin to breaking point!

Total weight gain: 5lb and steadily gaining nearly 1lb/week

How do you feel? 

I'm still taking afternoon naps when Grace naps. Not every day, but most. And just like before, I've noticed times when I cry over the smallest things! Oh pregnancy hormones. Most people cry during a sad movie. Pregnant people cry describing a movie they haven't even when I was describing the trailer of this movie to Mathias. Tears.

What's next? I've scheduled my next appointment and it includes the gestational diabetes test. I'm much less worried this time around. I'm not eating a bowl of ice cream EVERY night like I was before, and I feel like I'm much less sedentary. I'm constantly moving from the time I wake up before 4am until 10 or 11 at night.

I think I've also made the executive decision to get a second crib instead of putting Grace in a big girl bed and putting new baby in her crib. Her crib converts to a toddler bed when she's ready, and she reeeeally likes sleeping and napping in her crib right now. She's contained, I know exactly where she is (not rifling through her bookshelf or through her dresser when she should be sleeping), and she's not once made any attempt to climb out. I'd hate to disturb her good sleep patterns by putting her in a big bed...she loves playing/standing/rolling around when she's on it and I just don't see her calming down and falling asleep on it quickly and easily like she does her crib. Like before, I have an "image" of the perfect crib, but will wait until baby arrives to decide on color ;-)

Thursday, April 5, 2018

20 week update + anatomy scan

Woooaaah we're halfway there!

Baby's size: An 11oz banana

Total weight gain: Just 2lb but beginning this week, I may be gaining 1lb/week 

Movement: Finally felt the baby move! It wasn't til about 18 weeks with Grace and same this time. Although I still don't feel this baby kick as often or as hard...seems more chill in general!

How do you feel? 

This is what 20 weeks pregnant with a toddler running around looks like

Maternity clothes: When I was pregnant with Grace, I had my "bigger months" during the winter so I got away with wearing my regular leggings with long sweater and just a few long sleeve maternity shirts. But with summer approaching, I had nothing! My sweet friend, Bresney, graciously gave me a ton of great maternity clothes--Easter dress included if you caught that photo on Facebook or Instagram.

Moment of the week: Our anatomy scan!! We went Monday and got great news--baby looks good and no red (or even yellow) flags! We of course told the US tech we wanted to keep the gender a surprise....but Mathias and I both have our guesses ;-)

Thursday, March 8, 2018

16 week update

Grace loves her baby sibling!

I'd love to say I'll keep up with this blog as often as I did with my first pregnancy, but what I'm quickly learning is life with a toddler doesn't. slow. down. So I'll try my best to update each month, but I make no promises!

Also...I've taken no bump photos!! But I don't think it's really that noticeable yet. Except of course to the Krispy Kreme lady who boldly asked me when the baby was due. Umm, these donuts aren't all for me lady!

Cravings: So I'm 16 weeks today and baby is apparently the size of an avocado :-)

...which is on my list of cravings. With Grace, I had one craving, and that was ice cream. I had a small bowl almost every night. But now I could take it or leave it. Cravings are all over the place now! They seem to strike at any moment, are ALWAYS fleeting, and are usually very random and very specific. The craving has to be fulfilled in a short window of time, after which I'm turned off by it and it's on to the next craving. This happens most with pasta, chocolate desserts, and avocado toast. 

How are you feeling? A bit run down. Just like before, I have to take an afternoon nap (Re: 2-3 hour coma) every day during the week or I can barely keep my eyes open. Thankfully, this is the same time Grace takes her afternoon nap so it works out...for now. Nauseous but not to the point of sickness. I can still say, "Never have I ever puked," but I've had some days of all-day nausea that's made it hard to eat. And OH the headaches. I'm getting them so much more frequently now and I know I should be drinking more water! I just generally feel... different. This pregnancy just feels different. Does that mean I'm having a boy?? 

Gender: We are waiting to find out! It was fun to make our assumptions and hear everyone else's guesses last time. But Mathias really loved being the one to tell me in the delivery room. So, as hard as the uncertainty might be, we'll be waiting til the baby's born to find out! I will say, Grace's heart rate was slower, and we were able to find it on our at-home doppler at 11 weeks and this baby's is much faster! Also during our 19 week anatomy scan, as soon as the picture went up on the big screen I remember my first thought being, "Oh, that's a girl," with 100% certainty (as much as I didn't want to admit it the entire time!)  so maybe the same thing will happen next month at our scan.

Maternity clothes: I looked back at my 17 week "bumpdate" and saw it wasn't til then that you could really see a baby bump. I figured it would appear earlier this time and it has! I've already started using my Maeband to keep wearing a few pairs of pants. But otherwise, still in my regular clothes.

Other oddities: I have a nose like a bloodhound. I can smell bleach a football field away. I can step into a building and know if a rodent has died in it in the last 48 hours. Grace's diapers smell stronger than ever (and maybe they are more potent, but I honestly can't take a breath in sometimes because it's so overwhelming). I have more food aversions because of the way they smell.

Be sure to check back next month! I'll post my 20 week update + an updated close-up of baby :-)

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Round two: Hickman party of 4!

This mini "photo shoot" in the backyard is how we told my mom we were expecting another baby!

My mom helped me take most of Grace's monthly update pictures because the child smiles best when her Grandma is making funny faces behind me. If you saw Grace's formal Christmas photos, it was obvious Grandma was not in the room :-| 

So after a few 12 month photos were snapped, I popped in the frame and flipped the chalkboard over.  It took several minutes for mom to "get it!" Haha best reaction when she finally figured out what was happening!