Sunday, August 14, 2016

15 weeks - Gender reveal

Sorry to burst your bubble, but we're keepin this one a secret!

Because we don't care more for a boy or a girl...we just want a healthy baby! We decided long ago that when we had kids of our own, we would not want to know the gender until the baby was born. There are so few surprises anymore! Girls are picking out their engagement rings! Wouldn't it be awesome for the baby's father to be the first one to proudly announce, "It's a boy!" (...or girl!)

"But how do you know what to buy?" Honestly, I don't think Baby H will care if he (or she) is dressed in "girl colors." The baby's room is blue. Because I like that color. Plus, if Baby #2 is the opposite sex, we won't have to buy all new gender specific newborn things.

"But I couldn't stand not knowing!" Yes. Yes, you could. And not knowing has allowed us to focus on just being pregnant and live more presently. We go back and forth calling the baby he or she, I sometimes feel like it's more likely a he, but it's been fun keeping the mystery :-) 

I still haven't had "morning sickness" exactly, and the days of all-day nausea are long gone. I haven't had a major face break out just your typical hormonal pimple that pops up around the jaw line/neck. I never craved sweet things. I still don't. But I never craved salty things either...what I DO love is things containing meat and seafood. And that's nothing new! As far as heartbeat goes...the doppler readings (both mine and at my doctor's office) are not very accurate and I've read heart rate can fluctuate between 120-160 typically, and if anything, at delivery a girl's heart rate might be higher. For prediction's sake, it's been reading <140. I sleep on my left side because during prenatal yoga teacher training, we were taught to bring students out of Savasana by rolling onto the left (as opposed to the right where a non-pregnant student would roll to come out) because of a major artery that can cut off circulation to mommy and baby if you hang out on your right side too long. 

Ring test, Chinese calendar, and Mayans all point to Girl. However neither Mathias or I are really "feeling" like it's one way or the other. We "feel" like we have a healthy baby. And this is as far as feelings go! 

Little he or mini me? We just have to wait and see!

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