Thursday, February 8, 2018

Round two: Hickman party of 4!

This mini "photo shoot" in the backyard is how we told my mom we were expecting another baby!

My mom helped me take most of Grace's monthly update pictures because the child smiles best when her Grandma is making funny faces behind me. If you saw Grace's formal Christmas photos, it was obvious Grandma was not in the room :-| 

So after a few 12 month photos were snapped, I popped in the frame and flipped the chalkboard over.  It took several minutes for mom to "get it!" Haha best reaction when she finally figured out what was happening!

We've always wanted a big family, and want our children close together in age. In fact on the way home from delivering Grace at the hospital, Mathias was so happy he blurted out, "Let's have another one!" Uhhh, let's get home first.

Last year, we wanted to focus our attention solely on Grace, and it has been absolutely wonderful. We're thankful to have the support of both sets of grandparents and that makes a HUGE difference! Then just like #2 is on its way this August. I make it sound easy, but I feel 120% lucky that this happens easily for us, and I don't take it for granted for one second because I know so many friends who struggle with conceiving or keeping their precious babies. Although I had no complications during my last pregnancy, I still wanted to wait til I was 12 weeks along to announce. I also didn't want the announcement to overshadow Grace's first birthday. I could just see her now, giving me a look of disapproval!

How have I felt? I wish I'd documented the first trimester more here, because I really made it sound like a walk in the park. I remember having one terrible terrible migraine during week 10, the worst one I'd ever experienced. And it happened again, this time in week 9, and I've had a few more headaches since then that last for days. But I still never had actual morning sickness or vomiting, just some hours of major nausea. I'm exhausted after work every day so I'm back to taking 2 hour naps when Grace takes her afternoon nap. My appetite still isn't what it was so I haven't gained any weight (yet) and I was alllllmost back down to pre-baby weight. No cravings yet, but I feel like I have more smell aversions. I do feel like I'm showing earlier and have finally admitted to myself there are just some pants I'm never going to fit in again!

Last week, we used our home doppler to hear the baby's heartbeat. This is about when I was able to hear it before. And still, it's music to my ears! But honestly, I still don't feel pregnant. I've seen it, I've heard it. But it all still seems pretty surreal. I think I felt like this before, and it didn't really hit me til we went for our 19 week anatomy scan and I got to see a 4D US, showing baby's pudgy cheeks and all!

Still have a little ways to go before then, but of course, just like before we'll keep everyone up to speed with monthly updates!
Thank you everyone who's given us their well wishes/congrats/"Well, can't say we're surprised" haha

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