Friday, October 30, 2020

28 weeks - "It'll be fine," and other famous last words

It's so funny how I ended my last post highly convinced I'd pass my glucose test. I've never had to take the 3hr test and my 1hr initial test, I thought was going splendid.

Until it didn't. "If you get a call in the next 48 hours, that means you didn't pass."

Ring, Ring!

I don't wish this 3hr test on anyone! But word of advice, bring something to keep you busy and your mind off the time or the fact that you're hungry/thirsty. I thought I'd at least be able to drink water while I waited. But I had Edith's Halloween costume to make, so it honestly wasn't that bad at all.

Movement: I felt hiccups! It's only happened once or twice, but it was much later in the game with both Grace and Edith, before I could feel them.

Next up: Halloween is tomorrow! Grace decided two months ago that she wanted to be a cat. As quickly as she changes her mind about things she wants to wear, I held off getting any costume supplies until the last minute, but she stuck to cat, so what goes better with a cat than a mouse? It will actually be Edith's second Halloween she's been a mouse, but the first one was Gus from Sleeping Beauty and she had no idea what was going on lol!!

I honestly think this is the first Halloween I haven't planned a costume. I actually still do have the one I wore when I was pregnant with Grace, which has now found its way into the interwebs (scroll down towards the bottom..oh heeeeey). My college self would be super disappointed in my lack of creativity!

Now that I'm in my 3rd trimester (what?!) my appointments increase to every 2 weeks. I can't believe we're already here!

Friday, October 2, 2020

24 weeks - Hell Hole

Hell Hole 5k at 24 weeks

 Yes, that's a real gator head!

Exercise: Oddly never touched on this subject because..well..I haven't really exercised in past pregnancies. But I realize now that I can't just depend on my body to snap back on its own after baby's arrival. What I do now will certainly help in the process, and I don't want to have to work twice as hard come February to get back in shape because (thanks to COVID) my first race of last season was deferred, and will now be in May 2021! I started the Move Your Bump program and really love it so far. You get a 7 day free trial, plus I had a 50% off code for my first month so it makes it pretty inexpensive! I hope I can keep up with it. I've been eating alot of fast food lately because pregnancy cravings don't normally strike til 9am and thus, I've never been a meal planner. So I did outsource this and have 3 companies I'm testing out, so I'll report back when I've found my favorite, or a combination of them.

I also decided to run a 5k. 4 days prior to a race. When I haven't run but twice this year (once in January, and again in April). But as you can see, the awards were highly convincing, and with no one else in my age group, I obviously had to participate.

Movement: Feeling some pretty strong kicks over here! Some nights when baby is really active and I'm falling asleep, I'll curl up to Mathias so he can feel the baby kicking his back and we can experience it together. It really is the sweetest thing and although it's no new feeling, it sure doesn't get old.

Grace even got to feel the baby kick a few times! She likes when I press her hand into my belly...the first time she felt a kick, she was watching my stomach then her eyes shot up at me with this happy surprised look on her face. It's like a connection was made and she thought, "Oh OK, I thought I understood before. But now I really get it." And she asked me, "How's the baby come out?" 😂 I asked her, "How do you think you and Edith got out?" And she said, "I don't know. Maybe I crawled out." 

Yes, something like that.

Maternity wear: I finally caved and started wearing maternity shirts and pants to work this week. As much as I like flashing Kate and Amanda with my rubberband pants, it was time to embrace the comfort of stretchy panels. I don't know why I've put it off...perhaps because wearing maternity clothes makes you look pregnant. Right, not like a growing bump doesn't, but I hate the 20 questions I've gotten from patients in the past: "Yes, I'm having another baby. Yes, the youngest one is already 2." So far, only two patients have even noticed, which I'm kinda proud of, but I keep waiting for that well-meaning comment, you just keep poppin' them out! But no one's ever actually said this to me and I'm obviously projecting lol!

On the horizon: Glucose test to rule out gestational diabetes. I don't dread this test. I actually think the drink tastes good! And I do think I'll pass. I've never been a huge consumer of sweets, and although I do like a small bowl of ice cream here and there, it's not every night like with Grace (who I barely passed the test with).