If it weren't for my pregnancy app, I would not remember how far along I am! With Grace, I could tell you in a second, "I'm 22 weeks and 3 days! And baby is the size of a..."
Today when writing this post, I literally had to look it up because I hadn't opened the app in maybe 2 weeks and had lost track. Not that I remembered 2 weeks ago either...hence the reason I opened it then. I'm terrible.
Baby's size: A 1.5lb ear of corn
Movement: I'm feeling alot more movement over the last 4 weeks :-) Sometimes it feels like baby is throwing all of its weight at once and I get a little motion sickness. Other times, baby stretches out sooo long that a foot feels like it's going to stretch my skin to breaking point!
Total weight gain: 5lb and steadily gaining nearly 1lb/week
How do you feel?
I'm still taking afternoon naps when Grace naps. Not every day, but most. And just like before, I've noticed times when I cry over the smallest things! Oh pregnancy hormones. Most people cry during a sad movie. Pregnant people cry describing a movie they haven't even seen...like when I was describing the trailer of this movie to Mathias. Tears.
Body image: I just looked back at my 25 week update with Grace and saw my linea nigra had appeared by now. Kinda funny it hasn't this time. Could this mean it's the opposite sex?? My belly button was also just flat at this point. But it's definitely feeling like an outie these days! But you can't see it from the outside of my shirt, it's not that prominent. Yet?
What's next? I've scheduled my next appointment and it includes the gestational diabetes test. I'm much less worried this time around. I'm not eating a bowl of ice cream EVERY night like I was before, and I feel like I'm much less sedentary. I'm constantly moving from the time I wake up before 4am until 10 or 11 at night.
I think I've also made the executive decision to get a second crib instead of putting Grace in a big girl bed and putting new baby in her crib. Her crib converts to a toddler bed when she's ready, and she reeeeally likes sleeping and napping in her crib right now. She's contained, I know exactly where she is (not rifling through her bookshelf or through her dresser when she should be sleeping), and she's not once made any attempt to climb out. I'd hate to disturb her good sleep patterns by putting her in a big bed...she loves playing/standing/rolling around when she's on it and I just don't see her calming down and falling asleep on it quickly and easily like she does her crib. Like before, I have an "image" of the perfect crib, but will wait until baby arrives to decide on color ;-)
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