Saturday, June 9, 2018

29 week update - Well hello, 3rd trimester!

I can't believe we're in the final stretch! 2 down, 1 to go. Guess it's time to dig out the newborn items and wash everything! Might be hard without a washer, dryer, or counters....

Two weeks ago, we decided to re-do the kitchen/laundry room floors. Kind of the opposite of nesting. We pulled up the linoleum only to discover 3 more layers of linoleum since the house was built in the mid-80's. This revealed some major wood rot and, unexpectedly, some cabinet rot. So what was, "We'll just replace the floor with new tile," has turned into, "We have to tear up the entire floor in 70% of the kitchen and laundry room, tear out the damaged insulation, shore up the joists, make repairs to the plumbing, replace the insulation and subfloors, install a cement backer for the tile, replace all the lower cabinets....and that also means replacing the countertops, theennnn we can lay the new tile."

So yea, I haven't had a kitchen or laundry room in 3 weeks and we're looking at maybe another 2 until it's completely finished. But it is going to look AMAZING (it better, anyways)!

New this week: I had my gestational diabetes test and they said no news is good news. So since I haven't heard anything back, I'm assuming I passed!

We also had our maternity/family photos taken at the beach with the same photographer that did our maternity session last time! 

Now that we've reached the 3rd trimester, my doctor visits go from monthly to every 2 weeks. That is so crazy to me that we're already here.

Baby's size: a 3lb cabbage

Total weight gain: 11lb

Symptoms & Cravings: I wish I could say feeling hiccups! I'd felt them by 27 weeks with Grace, but this pregnancy has been different in alot of ways. Being uncomfortable much earlier (this baby just loves to stretch out and push my skin to the limits), my linea nigra showing up much later (and still way lighter), no cravings but just being all over the place with what I want to eat, and having an "outie" now! My skin and hair have changed too. I have always had very oily skin but it's been perfectly neutral for the last several months, and I used to have to wash my hair every 2-3 days or I looked like a grease ball. Now I can go 4, probably 5 days without washing it!

How do you feel? Round. And heavy! This baby is heavier, another reason I think he or she will be a little early. My back is getting to be an issue too and I no longer have a choice but to sleep on my side. For Mother's Day, Mathias got me a float session in the sensory deprivation tank at Glow Spa. I've wanted to go for so long, so I'm super excited to go this weekend!

Moment of the week: I figured out how we'll do the gender/name reveal! With Grace, I just made  a simple white image with her name on it, and pink feet stamped next to it. Then I made this image my profile picture on Facebook so everyone could see we'd had a GIRL! This time, we had our photographer take a picture of Grace holding blue hydrangeas, and another picture holding pink hydrangeas. Whatever the baby is, boy or girl, that photo will be posted!

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