A new little baby will be joining our family in January, which will make us Hickman party of FIVE! I don't think it's really hit me yet. I'll have 3 under 4. I'll have to hashtag everything #3Under4. OR #pandemicbaby.
Speaking of pandemic. Was now a good time? Should people hold off on trying to get pregnant now? I say...don't let it stop you. Circumstances are always changing and there is never going to be a perfect time. If you're waiting until life is perfect and all the stars are flawlessly aligned, you might be waiting a long time. And tomorrow is never promised. My humble advice: if it's the right time in your heart and between you and your partner, GO FOR IT!
Ok so I say there's no perfect time, but if you're slightly superstitious, then maybe there is. You see, the Chinese calendar was correct in predicting both genders of our girls (if you remember, both were kept a surprise)...and according to the Chinese calendar, there were only a few months this year where we could've conceived a boy. Bear with me...
Do I think superstitious people are a little crazy? Yes.
Do I think we're having a boy because the Chinese calendar says we should? Also yes.
How do you feel? Generally unwell. My mind is tired and my body is tired-er. I have had zero appetite, my food aversions are aplenty, I'm getting really frequent headaches that often last for days, I have to force myself to eat breakfast or dinner, and (sorry, you must be new here if this is TMI) I only poop every 4 days. Which sounds pretty identical to my first trimester with Edith. She is very independent about her play time, and doesn't seem to need me as much as Grace. I'm sometimes able to nap when Edith naps in the afternoon, but that leaves one 3 year old who is craving my attention. It's so sad when she asks me to play with her and I feel so tired and nauseated that I can't. She wants to go to the beach, or the pool, or the playground, or to chase her...and I can't. I really hope I get some energy back this month cus I don't want her to remember this side of me 😩
Baby bump: I was able to catch the baby's heartbeat on our at-home doppler but Grace was less than impressed haha. Maybe once she sees my belly growing again, it will become more real. You can't really see a baby bump, but I can feel it when I try to lay on my belly. I haven't gained any weight yet, probably because I never got quite down to pre-pregnancy weight, and I definitely never lost the extra fluff so baby must be just suckin' up the reserves. Like a camel. My mom even thought she saw a little baby bump. But I had to admit, no that's actually the small spare tire I've been carrying around since I had Edith 😐 I need to bring my maternity clothes down from the attic, but hopefully I have another month before I need them again.
Other new news: I may be updating every 4 weeks just like I did during our second pregnancy. And I may just bring back the Wordless Wednesday posts! There's a "catch all" post I made at the end of each pregnancy so I can go back quickly and compare them all: Grace / Edith
Also, I've merged the old blog with this new one to keep it on one platform that is MUCH more user friendly! It's so much easier to read and to navigate, I'm not sure why I didn't do this sooner.
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