Preparing for baby's arrival: I served this kid with an eviction notice one week ago, informing him or her to vacate the premises within 14 days. Grace listened! Wondering if this baby will follow suit. My gut tells me I won't be at work next week, so I'm trying to wrap up everything now. All along, I thought baby would arrive on Tuesday - 2 days before due date - so we shall see! The newborn clothes are washed and hung, infant necessities have been taken out of the attic, and I played with my new pump and figured out how to use it (which subsequently gave me a nightmare that it suctioned so hard off center that it made a third nipple!!) I have at least halfway packed my hospital bag, but still need to install the car seat. I will this weekend! See...nothing like a few minor contractions to get you motivated to pack a bag lol
How do you feel? Swollen. My feet look like sausages at the end of the day, I've been 1cm dilated for 3 weeks, and I am 50% effaced! Which is more than with Grace! At 39+5, I was not dilated at all and none percent effaced.
Baby's size: I honestly have no clue. We had one, and only one, ultrasound this entire pregnancy, and that was back around week 19. I haven't fallen off the growth charts like I did with Grace, so I'm going to assume that means this kid is bigger. Grace was 6lb 7oz, but I'm still guessing baby #2 will be under 7lb.
Total weight gain: 30lb. Exactly the same amount of weight I gained with Grace! Hopefully I can snap back as quickly too!
To strip or not to strip? We're not talking about the sexy kind of stripping here. This week, I had the option to have my membrane's stripped. After debating on it for a week, I decided against it. From my research, I found that it only works 50% of the time, and couldn't find a positive correlation to it working better with second pregnancies or if there was already some dilation happening. I also found that of those 50% that it "worked," I couldn't definitively say it was solely because of the procedure, but that some of these women were just ready to go or it still sometimes took 3-4 (sometimes a week) more days to go into labor. So odds are looking more like 1 in 8. Plus I heard it's a rather painful procedure. And I felt best not to rush things along...Grace wasn't exactly late and I honestly don't think this baby is going to be overdue. So I told my doc she could strip my membranes next Tuesday if nothing happens on its own by then. And, not that I think it will be necessary at all, we'll induce on the 29th if I don't go into labor before then. (I better go into labor before then!!)
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